In the role of Project Manager, Erica is responsible for effectively and proficiently managing our client’s projects on a day to day basis, including management of client communication, consultant coordination, overall project budget, scheduling, fabrication, safety, quality, and installation. Erica is responsible for working with the Lexington Project Engineers, Site Supervisors, the clients, the architects and engineers and the installation crews to properly and effectively install our scenic and artistic installations into a client’s facility. Erica will work collaboratively with the Design Studios in both Orlando and Los Angeles and Lexington’s design, engineering, and fabrication teams in LA to effectively plan and manage the scope of work that maximizes the benefit back to the owner to meet the schedule deliverables, to ensure design intent and budget are met and exceeded.

With over 15 years of specialty scenic creative design and fabrication experience, Erica’s knowledge of the design-build process for leading museums, casinos, live shows and attractions allows her to effectively manage and plan a project that meets budget and schedule, while exceeding expectations.


    Bachelor of Arts in Business Admin and Stage Management - Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA
    Masters of Fine Arts - University of Las Vegas

Noted Clients/Projects

    Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
    Pandora Ð The World of PANDORA
    Walt Disney Theatrical Productions, The Lion King
    Helen Hayes Award-Winning Production of The Fellow